UX – Think like your client

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What is UX Design?

UX is a field of expertise that has grown exponentially since 1990, when concepts such as usability, interactive design, and information architecture first started being talked about.

The abbreviation UX stands for user experience. It is about understanding how a person feels during and after using a company’s digital products or services.

This could include websites, social media networks, apps, or blogs. 

What Is the Role of UX Design in Digital Marketing?

An important rule of thumb when it comes to user experience, is that a good experience always helps generate better sales outcomes.

Let’s say a user accesses your website looking to get in contact with a salesperson, and they have trouble finding the contact form. After searching for a couple of minutes, they finally find it and try to send their request, but the website shows them an error message. It takes them three tries before they are finally able to send it. How do you think this affects customer satisfaction?

Most likely, they will not return to the same website when looking for a salesperson, much less recommend your service. In all honesty, very few users would try to submit the form three times. Most would leave before that. 

Potential customers are lost through this process, and brand image is affected. At every step of the customer journey, user experience has a direct impact on the probability of making sales and strengthening customer loyalty. 

A UX designer is a professional whose job is to determine the easiest, most intuitive, and accessible way to solve a problem based on the tastes, needs, and opinions of the users of a product or service. They are the people in charge of optimally designing a customer’s experience.


It is important to highlight the difference between UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), since these tend to be confused. 

UI refers to the creation of the interface, (to avoid complicating the explanation, we won’t go into too much technical detail regarding UI) which is visual and is developed primarily using coding languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, or Javascript. UX focuses on the interface’s usability, and how the customer interacts with it, focusing more on analysis and social relationships.

The professional in charge of UI will focus on product design, impacting users’ visual impressions, and ensuring that the website or application is pleasant and attractive to them. The person in charge of UX focuses on usability and easy navigation, working to set up an experience that evokes certain emotions and sensations in the user while using the interface.

What Knowledge, Traits, and Skills Should a UX Designer Have?

  • Know how to create experiences that meet customer needs, enhance brand awareness, and create a strong bond between customers and your products.
  • Creativity, empathy, and good listening skills are some of the most important traits of a good UX designer. They need to be able to immerse themselves in the user’s context, daily life, and needs.
  • Detail-oriented — a UX designer must be able to identify small problems that escape other people at first glance when using an application.
  • Business and communication skills.
  • Teamwork.
  • A drive to continually investigate everything related to usability and software (logistical technology infrastructure)

UX Main Ideas

UX design serves to optimize the interaction between people and product based on the following three main ideas: usability, accessibility, and interaction.


Evaluate the following variables related to an interface’s ease of use:

  • Learning curve: How easy is it for the user to complete basic and punctual tasks the first time they use the interface?
  • Efficiency: Once they know how the interface works, how quickly can they complete those tasks?
  • Memorability: After not having used the interface for a while, how long does it take for users to recover their previous navigation ability?
  • Errors: Quantity and severity of possible user errors, and probability of the user being able to resolve them. 
  • Satisfaction: How pleasant is it for the user to use the interface? 


Accessibility refers to people’s ability to interact with the interface, considering both the context of its use and the user’s own skills.

It is important to keep in mind that there are exceptional cases, and not all users have the same needs. For example, when designing for people with certain disabilities, or people belonging to a specific demographic group, you must take into account their unique needs and create optimizations so that these people can also have a positive experience when using your interface. 


This is the aspect of UX focused around planning and designing touchpoints (instances of interaction). The user must be able to determine what to do or how to use the product, and the product must guide or direct their behavior in a non-invasive way.

In conclusion, UX is everything related to the constant task of optimizing a site, application, or interface to allow users to navigate comfortably, easily, and intuitively, without problems, confusion, or errors. 

Let’s not forget that UX has a direct impact on conversions — the more comfort and functionality you can offer your customers, the more sales and loyal customers you will have.