Target Impacts

First of all, it is important to clarify that by target, we are referring to a company’s target audience, or potential audience. This is a group of people who, due to their qualities and characteristics, have a high probability or potential to become a consumer of your product or service in the future.

Social networks have made it possible for the advertising world to obtain more precise results through segmentation. That is, the opportunity they offer to delimit a group of people according to detailed characteristics, and show tailored content and ads to very specific audiences. 

Most of the platforms on which paid advertising can be carried out offer a set of segmentation options for creating custom audiences: 

  • Demographic and socioeconomic data: gender, age group, position, marital status.
  • Geographical area: city, province, country.
  • Interests, likes, and hobbies
  • Online habits: social networking platform use

As we get deeper into the program we will look further into audience creation — but at this point, the important thing to know is that it is extremely important to contemplate, research, and define that profile well, asking yourself questions such as: Who am I trying to reach and why? What makes this audience a good choice for my product or service? How can I adapt my messages effectively to capture the attention of this audience?

These questions will help you get to know your audience better and create a much clearer strategy. And in the process, you’ll discover valuable insights that will lead to more successful campaigns in the future.

There are also other more specific ways to segment, that require prior information: 

  • Customer file upload: Some platforms allow you to import contacts from files, for example, excel files with emails, phone numbers, etc. 
  • By using an App: If you were to create a campaign for a brand that has a mobile application with an integrated CRM for audience tracking, you could create audiences with users who download, open, and use the app. This can be useful for, for example, building customer loyalty or keeping customers informed about new products or services. 
  • Website traffic: there are platforms that allow you to generate a pixel that receives information from users and website traffic, making it possible to customize audiences according to their actions, for example:  
    • Users who have added a product to the cart, without completing the purchase
    • Users who have visited the website 5 times in the last week
    • Users who have visited only specific categories

One of the main advantages of social networks that enable all this and more is that they generate a huge amount of data about your customers in real time. If you are monitoring daily active participation and listening to what is being said on social networks, you can gather relevant information about your customers and use it to make better business decisions.