Excel 2

4. Order Cells Alphabetically

One very useful thing you can do with a data table in Microsoft Excel is to sort it alphabetically or numerically, while maintaining the relationship between rows or columns. Doing this will make it easier for you to filter and interpret the data presented.

  •       Select the cells you want to sort
  •       Tap on the “Home” tab on the Excel ribbon
  •       Under “Edit,” tap “Sort & Filter” and choose “Sort A to Z” or “Sort Z to A,” as appropriate
  •       If you want to maintain its relationship with attached cells, select “Extend the selection” when Excel prompts you

5. Add a Drop-Down List

If you want homogeneity in your Excel data, it can be useful to put the possible values ​​for a field in a closed list, so that the user selects from this list instead of being able to enter any value directly into the cell. An easy way to do this is by creating a drop-down list of valid values ​​for a cell.

  •       Select a cell
  •       Click the “Data” tab
  •       Click on “Data Validation”
  •       Choose “List”
  •       Write the elements of the list separated by a comma, without spaces

6. Get Rid of Blank Columns or Rows

When working with a lot of data, blank spaces tend to appear, and sometimes information can be lost. Being able to identify where information has been lost, in order to fill in these blank spaces with the correct information, is essential. You will also want to delete any unnecessary blank spaces.

  •       Select the range of rows and cells in which you want to search
  •       On the “Home” tab, click “Edit”
  •       Click “Find and Replace” and go to “Special”
  •       Check “Blank Cells” and click “OK”
  •       This will select the cells. You can delete them by choosing “Cells” and “Delete,” from the “Home” tab