
As we have touched on in previous classes, results measuring is a fundamental part of digital marketing. Measuring results not only allows you to evaluate the success or failure of a campaign, but also to identify the actions that your work team should carry out to optimize each campaign.

Excel is one of the most popular and intuitive programs for data analysis. In this module, we will review the pros and cons of this program, and provide some important tips for using it. 

One of the main benefits of Excel is that it offers pre-set templates that can help you organize information in a simpler way, without extra work.

It has a help center and advanced functions that allow you to access forums for troubleshooting or tips. 

Excel charts are very easy to use compared to other information systems, and have several useful built-in features.

There are some things to be aware of when using Excel — one common problem that can occur is discrepancy in data when sharing spreadsheets between computers that use different versions of the software, so it is advisable to make sure all team members are using the same version. 

You will also find that sometimes the pre-set templates do not meet your needs, and modifying them can get a bit complicated. 

Let’s continue with the tips!