Audience, ads, and creative practices

Twitter Is the Best Place to Connect with What’s Happening

In this day and age, the flow of information is constant and things are updated almost by the second. So much so, that it has become crucial for brands to stay on top of what’s going on in the world, and participate in current conversations in order to stand out and become the first brand people think of. 

People are on Twitter to connect with the rest of the world and stay in the know about what’s going on. To this effect, there are three content categories that every brand needs to be familiar with. 

  • Events: all events that occur via livestream or are transmitted on television, such as the Oscars, Grammys, the World Cup, other sporting events, etc.
  • Special dates: all cultural or commercial holidays such as Mother’s Day, Christmas, Cyber Monday, etc. There are also several well-known marketing dates such as World Emoji Day and the Superbowl.
  • Trends: cultural movements, audience commentary related to the brand or anything else happening in the world, things that everyone is talking about like #LunchAmerica, #Challenges, etc.  ​

If brands participate in these content categories, they become a part of users’ daily conversations, thereby increasing conversions, recognition, and boosting overall performance. 

How to Use Twitter to Get Your Brand into More Conversations

In this way, when brands connect with what’s happening on Twitter, they achieve gains across the funnel. 

Creating content and advertising on Twitter is crucial for familiarizing your target audience with your brand, getting them to purchase from it, and remember it. 

Dos and Don’ts for Creative Content:

When it comes to creating ads, it’s important to keep in mind the following specifications. 

Short and concise.  

Keep promoted videos to 15 seconds or less. 

Whenever possible, keep Tweets under 50 characters.

Powerful images.

Use subtitles and visual cues to transmit your message without the need for audio. 

Make your brand stand out.  

Include clear and consistent branding throughout the ad.  

Your logo should be in the upper left corner.

Lastly, and this is very important — choose the Twitter ad format that best adapts to your campaign objectives.