Spotify Ad Account

Spotify Ad Studio overview

  • Build an audio or video ad campaign in minutes
  • Launch a campaign with a minimum budget of 250.00 in your local currency
  • Create a new audio ad from scratch
  • Forecast impression estimates based on your target audience
  • Analyze performance using campaign reports

You’ll need a Spotify account to use Ad Studio.

Create a Spotify Account

If you already have a personal Spotify account, you can use that to sign up for Spotify Ad Studio. If not, create a free Spotify account with a business email. You can also use a team business email or alias to make sure all of your stakeholders are looped in.

Click sign up and then choose log in with an existing account. Follow the steps using the email you used for your Spotify account.

Create multiple ad accounts

You can have multiple ad accounts under one Spotify Ad Studio account.

First, create a Spotify account and a Spotify Ad Studio account. You can then start adding new ad accounts under one Spotify Ad Studio account.

To do this, go to the manage ad accounts section from the left-hand navigation bar and it will redirect you to the ad accounts page. From there, select +Ad accounts under the Your ad accounts section to start the new account creation.

If you already have a Spotify Ad Studio account, go directly to the ad accounts page and select +Ad accounts.

Please note: The business name used for new ad account creation cannot be changed later. It is your legal business name for billing.

Add multiple users to an ad account

You can collaborate with multiple team members in Ad Studio by adding or removing existing users to an Ad account. Set different levels of user permissions for the account based on the roles below:

  • Admin: Account admins can create, view, edit, and export campaigns. Admins are also able to edit account settings and payment details. The admin role is automatically assigned to the account creator and is the only access level that can add or remove other users as contributors or viewers to an Ad Studio account.
  • Contributor: Account contributors can create, view, edit, and export campaigns. Contributors can’t edit account settings and payment details.
  • Viewer: Viewers have read-only privileges on accounts and campaigns. Viewers can view and export campaigns but can’t create or edit campaigns or account settings.

To do this, first, create a Spotify account and a Spotify Ad Studio account. As the account admin, you can then add other Ad Studio account holders as contributors or viewers by selecting manage ad accounts from the left-hand navigation bar. From there, you can search for the users you’d like to add using their Spotify username. This can be found in User settings in the top right-hand corner.

If you are managing multiple ad accounts, you’ll need to add team members to each of them separately.

Please note: A user must first create their own Spotify Ad Studio account before they can be added as a contributor or viewer.

Switch between multiple ad accounts

You have the ability to access and switch between multiple ad accounts for which you are an admin, contributor, or viewer. To do this, select the ad account you would like to access from the left-hand navigation bar, which will allow you to view or manage multiple advertiser accounts without having to log in or out of each account