That’s why people use Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, get the latest news in real time, share content and chat with other people, brands, and celebrities from all over the world, and hear all voices.
Influential users who shape conversations and boost interest.
Anything new that you wish to communicate to your Twitter community is considered a launch for the audience:
So, how do you get a launch to be at the center of the conversation?
It’s not just the reveal that counts. Leading brands use a phased approach.
Phase 1: Listen
Align any information you have on the consumer or target audience with Twitter’s audience.
Phase 2: Provoke
Generate enthusiasm, recognition, and attract a group of influential users to interact with the brand from the get-go, making the most of the content and creating more dynamic formats.
Phase 3: Reveal
Increase mass recognition of your launch to encourage conversation and bring your message to the masses.
Phase 4: Reinforce
After making your launch message known, don’t forget to reinforce it to drive preference and preserve the enthusiasm that will keep your brand top-of-mind.
Consider several different creative strategies to test and learn from.
Capture viewers again with lower-level messaging.
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